Tay and Co

Chrissy's Knee High Socks

Who doesn't love a great pair of socks? With the holidays just around the corner Chrissy's Knee High Socks has many fun pairs to choose from! Perfect for a fun stocking stuffer. I picked out four colorful pairs: Argyle, Tube, Designer, and Holiday!

The pink & gray argyle I paired with a cozy pink sweater! Perfect to lounge and watch Lifetime. 

The black & gold tube socks are so Pittsburgh. I wore these to show some Steeler spirit on gameday!

The designer plaid screamed by name because I'm obsessed with the Burberry print. I paired them with some brown wedged booties. They would also look super cute with my Burberry rainboots! 

After we put the Christmas tree up in our apartment I was definitely feeling the Christmas spirit! These Christmas light socks are perfect for the entire month of December!  

Which pair is your favorite?! 

Holiday Reads

I am such a bookworm so I always have a bunch of reads on my list. Plus with the holiday season approaching I pulled together a list of new and old reads for the bookworm in your life! 

Holiday Reads

Everybody Rise by Stephanie Clifford 
Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella
The Thing About Jellyfish by Ali Benjamin
Winter Street by Elin Hinderbrand
The One and Only by Emily Giffin 
Hissy Fit by Mary Kay Andrews 
White Girl Problems by Babe Walker 
Confessions of a Shopaholic Series by Sophie Kinsella 
Trading Up by Candace Bushnell
Lipstick Jungle by Candace Bushnell
Wedding Night by Sophie Kinsella
The Astronaut Wives Club by Lily Koppel 
The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein 

Follow me on Goodreads

Hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving! Like I always say too blessed to be stressed! 

Engagement Picture Prep

For those of you that know me personally you know I am obsessed with taking pictures. I am and always will be that girl that stops a party to take a group photo. I take photos with each individual friend at the party. I also will shamelessly take "candids" for the gram. At least I admit it right?

Anyways I always knew engagement pictures would be the holy grail of my photo obsession. I've done countless Pinterest  research for poses, props and outfits. A few weekends ago Jonathan and I had our engagement photo shoot! I don't know if I went too all out but this is a list of things I did to prepare.

1. Nails- An obvious must for photos, plus you will have pictures of your ring close up.

2. Makeup Appointment- I wasn't sure if this was necessary but after thinking about it more definitely a must, I mean you have these pictures forever right?! I got my makeup done at Sephora and they did an amazing job!

3. Blowout- A must, hair has to be on point. I got mine blown out at my sister in law's salon Studio E! If you live in Pittsburgh definitely check it out!

4. Eyebrows- Also done @ Studio E!

5. Props- I made a few props for the shoot including my favorite quote from Sweet Home Alabama inspired by Pinterest.

6. Outfits- Obviously you want to coordinate with your Mr. so I decided to go for the preppy neutral fall look. We mixed in plaid, quilted vests, cowl neck sweaters & boots. A color pallet of tan, navy, brown and red!

Thank you so much Sarah for taking our photos!  Check out her website if you are looking for a professional photographer! I cannot wait to see how the rest of them turn out. Here is a preview of them so far:

Only 208 more days! 

Getting Married Young

I read an article the other day that inspired me to write this post! It was about advice for a happy life.

The first piece of advice was Consider Marrying Young. 

I was actually pretty surprised that this was number one on the list but as I continued reading it made more sense. Marrying someone young means you are experiencing a lot of "firsts" with them. When I met Jonathan we were in college. So we graduated, got our first jobs and experienced post grad life together. Our relationship was built on all of these huge milestones.

You also do a lot of growing up together. I look back at pictures of when we first started dating and we seem like babies. It's crazy how quickly the four years of college went and how much growth happens in that time span. I'll never have to explain sorority functions, social events or all nighters at the library because he was there to experience all of them with me.

Meeting someone at such a young age also means a lot of our friends overlap. This makes me so excited for our wedding day because we get to share it with people who have invested in our relationship and seen it grow.

Marrying young means you are building your life with your person just a bit earlier. You realize that you may not be who you are today without them. I don't think it's bad to know what you want at a young age. It just means you get to share more of your life your other half! Marrying young to me is investing in a person not necessarily a lifestyle. We don't know where we will be in 10 years but we will figure it out together. Does that mean everyone should get married young? Of course not, it definitely is a personal choice and timing is everything.

We still have our whole lives to figure this whole marriage thing out, but I wouldn't want to figure it out with anyone else.

Fall is Here

Yesterday was the first day of Autumn! Unfortunately it still doesn't feel like it in Pittsburgh, however a few weekends ago it was the perfect Fall day!

Fringe is all the rage this season so I was so excited that I was finally able to wear the scarf I got from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. I paired it with a plain black long sleeve from Coco & Main that I have in two colors. I'm seriously obsessed with this top because it's tight in the arms but a loose fit everywhere else. It's perfect to throw a scarf over or wear with vests all season long. Since it wasn't chilly enough for boots I wore leopard flats from Loft.

What is your favorite fall accessory?

Bar Cart

Since we moved to our apartment in February we've been adding bits and pieces to pull it together. I knew I definitely wanted a bar cart but I couldn't find one that didn't break the bank. So thankfully my mom and dad found us the PERFECT bar cart at a tag sale. They said they had to literally grab it before anyone else did. Plus it was only $40 which is such a steal.

I loved finding things to decorate it too! I already had a lot of the glasses and trays, but pulling it all together is what made it fun. The yellow straws I found at Michael's on sale for really cheap, but Target usually always has them in the dollar spot. I always have a ton of old magazines #hoarder, so those were easy to throw on the bottom. Now I just need some alcohol and I'm all set!

As Halloween or Christmas get closer I may decorate the cart according to season! It would be so fun to have a themed bar cart especially if you have people over. Right not I just have the "Pumpkin Kisses & Harvest Wishes" sign on the side. Pinterest obviously adds to the addiction!

What is your favorite bar cart item?

Bridesmaid & Maid of Honor Gifts

It's already less than 300 days until I get hitched! I was having such a hard time figuring out how I wanted to ask my Bridesmaids so I enlisted the help of my mom and sister.

In July they were in Richmond and found the cutest Bridesmaid favors. The boutique had two kinds: one that said "I promise a really cute dress if you say yes" and "I can't say I do without you! Will you be my Bridesmaid?" Each little sign had a black rectangle to personalize.

Since most of my Bridesmaid live in other states (literally...AZ, CA, OH, NY, WA) I knew these would be easy to mail. Plus it's something they can keep forever!

To make each one a little more personal I got some scrapbook paper that matched the burlap on the front. Michael's had a cute polka dot print that matched perfectly. I modge podged this sheet to the back of the wooden block. Then I cut a smaller white sheet (with gold shimmers of course) and wrote a note personal to each Bridesmaid. Once I finished all the notes I wrote out the corresponding name on the front with gold sharpie. To finish it off I tied a "Happily Ever After" ribbon around each one.

Overall I was really happy with how they turned out! I've never seen anyone do something like this before so I was excited to send them out. And even more excited when they all said yes! I did get to give a few in person and actually starting crying when my friend Ashly opened hers!

Since my little sis is the Maid of Honor I got her something a little different. A while back I bought the "Maid of Honor" pouch from Kate Spade. I knew Logan would love it plus I wanted to make her feel extra special for being MOH and my only sis. Since I was giving hers in person I wanted a cute bag to put it in as well, but I couldn't find one that fit the theme... so I made one! I just bought a plain pink gift bag from Target and added blue stickers to spell out "Maid of Honor." I absolutely LOVED how it turned out!

I tend to be very detail oriented so while wedding planning I've noticed I enjoy focusing on the small details. But to me even the smallest details matter!