Tay and Co: southern style
Showing posts with label southern style. Show all posts
Showing posts with label southern style. Show all posts

Creating She


Hi y’all! I’m Caroline from Creating She and I’m taking over Tay & Co for the day! We’ve teamed up to bring you a summer collab so get excited because we’ve got a ton of awesome things in store!

I guess the best place to begin would be an introduction so that you get to know us a little better! I am a blogging, iced coffee drinking, Jack Rogers wearing Pre-Law Junior. Try saying that ten times fast. I spend my days interning in a court house, my nights sharing my life with you, and my weekends exploring my sleepy college town. I dream of surviving law school, getting an Irish Setter, and moving to the city. I’ve got big dreams with lots of room to improvise! I’ve learned that life can take you by surprise and typically it’s a lot better than you could have ever dreamed.

I’ve had my blog for 2 years but it wasn’t until recently that I committed myself to pursuing this passion for blogging. For years I have had loved sharing my outfits, my wisdom, and my life with all of my followers! College is such a fun journey and it’s my dream to take this adventure with you.
Life can be hard trying to balance college, a career, and all of these big dreams. We’re just a bunch of She’s trying to work hard and get things done. Why not do it together?

I would love for you to join the Creating She fam and keep in the loop of everything we’ve got going on! We are so excited for this collaboration and I know that you’re going to love what we’ve got planned. Taylor is such an amazing girl and if you haven’t already, you must explore and look at her beautiful life. #Goals

Keep updated daily by following us on Instagram: @Tay.andCoCreatingshe. If you have any collab posts you want to see this summer, make sure to let us know! I know I am simply beside myself I’m so excited and I hope you are too.

See ya soon!


Seersucker & Lace

I love pairing classic preppy pieces together like seersucker & lace. Especially when it's white & navy! My lace top is Lilly for Target and the seersucker wedges are Sperry's. The detailing on the top is beautiful & makes it easy to be dressed up or down. It is perfect for work or a casual weekend look. The crisp white color allows for so many accessory possibilities. I can't wait to try it with a colorful tassel necklace or Kendra earrings.

The wedges are fun because they tie around your ankle into a bow & who doesn't love a good bow? They are also a good height!  I got them a few years ago for one of our sorority recruitment rounds. We always did a nautical themed day. Obviously had to finish the look with a diet coke!

What are you favorite preppy pieces? 

Pink Sunday Experience

So for the past few days I have been obsessed with the hashtag #LillyforTarget. The mix of tweets and Instagram posts are insane! From a marketing perspective it was genius. Did anyone else notice that Lilly released their summer line on Monday, the day after their Lilly for Target launch? They got the buzz they needed right? I mean I guarantee a person not in their regular customer group was more likely to go to their site to check out "real Lilly" after the shopping frenzy that occurred on Sunday!

My Sunday went a little like this... in the early AM hours I was on the Target website endlessly refreshing. They announced the line would release between midnight and 2am. Around 1:30 I was still up so I decided why not? Can't hurt to wait 30 minutes. At 2am, they announced that it would be another hour before the site was up. By 3:30am I was able to start adding items to my cart. But after 15 minutes of trying to check out it wasn't working so I decided to cut my losses and get some sleep.

By 7am I was up rushing around to get over to Target. I figured at 7:30 I would drive by to see if there was a line. I honestly thought there wouldn't be one and that I was being crazy about the whole thing! Well, there was a line formed at the door so I quickly jumped out of my car and got into the group. I was talking to the girl behind me and we were both shocked at the line at this particular Target. I mean I knew people that I was friends with liked Lilly, but I didn't realize it was such a huge deal in Pittsburgh too. Or everywhere for that matter. My new Lilly friend and I made a deal that if either of us saw the coffee mugs first to snag them for each other.

At 8am people started to rush inside. I honestly think I was in shock. I wasn't expecting it to be such a mad dash. By the time I got to the rack most of the shifts were already off the hangers.. so I grabbed what I could in my size and made a run for the home section. I got to that section before the big group, so I instantly grabbed the mugs and pineapple dish. I also snagged a pillow and tote bag. At this point everything was flying off the shelves.

I literally checked out and was back at my apartment by 8:15am! The whole experience was actually kinda fun! I definitely was one of the lucky ones!!

If you don't follow me already check out the pictures I posted on Instagram (@Tay.andCo) of my purchases!

What did you manage to snag on Sunday? 

The Green Skirt

Happy Easter everyone! I was very blessed to be able to spend the weekend in Richmond, VA with my family. I love all of the fun springtime outfits people wear on Easter Sunday. They are so bright and colorful!

I chose to wear a kelly green skirt from eShakti a customized clothing company! eShakti allows the customer to choose a design and customize the dimensions to your height. When I selected this skirt I was able to decide if I wanted it above, right at, or below my knees. I love that I got a custom piece without the huge price tag.

I picked a piece that I thought was very unique and different than the clothes in my closet. It definitely makes a statement for spring! My favorite part is the white detailing on the bow and that it has pockets!


Definitely check out their Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest pages to get inspired! 

Hope everyone had a great weekend!