Tay and Co: lifestyle
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

Workin for a Birkin : Liebster Award

Obviously I love meeting new people, so it's fun to meet virtual friends through Blogging! Thank you to Miss Caroline at Creating She for nominating me for the Liebster Award. This post is created for bloggers to answer some questions about themselves and a way to get to know other bloggers in the community! 

1. If you had to find one phrase to describe your life, what would it be?
There is nothing wrong with loving the crap out of everything! 

2. You’ve just won a free trip anywhere in the world! Where are you going?
Hmm I think I would go to London! My little brother is there right now and I'm insanely jealous! I also wish I was Kate Middleton.

3. What is your go to  “fun fact”?
That I learned how to ski when I was 4 years old! Perks of being born in Denver, CO. 

4. How do you spend the majority of your time in a day?
Workin for a Birkin 

5. If you had to give up all  your social media but one, which would you keep?
I would keep Instagram for sure, I am a total picture hoarder. My fiance always has to remind me that everyday isn't prom! 

6. Favorite brand?
Loft or J Crew

7. Are you a cat or a dog person?
Dog person 110%. I really want a Frenchie!

8. Are you a paper or electronic calendar girl?
Paper calendar, I love my EC!

9. Favorite book?
The Secret Life of Bees By Sue Monk Kidd or The Truth about Forever By Sarah Dessen (follow me on Goodreads)

10. Morning, afternoon, or night person?
Night Owl 

11. Biggest blogging goal for 2015?
To inspire others & meet new friends! 

I would like to nominate: 

Here are my 11 Questions for the nominees: 

1. What is your favorite Pinterest Board? 
2. What's your go to accessory?
3. McDonalds or Starbs Iced Coffee? 
4. What Ice Cream Flavor describes you? 
5. How often do you go shopping?
6. Favorite Pattern? 
7. Which celeb would be your bestie? 
8. What's your sign? 
9. Fav Designer? 
10. What would a movie about your life be called? 
11. If you could move anywhere, where would it be? 

Thank you again Creating She for nominating me! Definitely check out her blog!

Happy almost weekend,

Monday Tumbling

One of my favorite things to do while I sit and watch my shows is scroll through Tumblr. So naturally my night tonight consists of The Bachelorette & tumbling!

I've loved Tumblr for a while. I think in some ways I like it better than Pinterest because you can customize the look. I could get lost in tumblr pictures for hours. It's also fun to look back and see what you used to be inspired by.

I go through fazes of giving my tumblr page some love. The bright pictures are also fun for phone or computer wallpapers.

Here are some of my current favs: 

What inspires you? 

Make sure to follow me on Tumblr & Instagram: Tay.andCo



Since this will mainly be a blog focused on wedding planning, I figured the perfect place to start was where it all began...our engagement!

Jonathan and I met our sophomore year of college and we were both involved in Greek Life. So when we happened to be in the same science lab class I asked him to be my partner since I had seen him at Greek events. And the rest was history! 

Junior year I became sweetheart of his fraternity and was lavaliered! Lavaliering in Greek Life is when you receive your boyfriend's fraternity letters on a necklace. It basically means you are in a pretty serious relationship if they give you their letters! 

Finally our senior year we graduated together from the College of Business this past May. Jonathan traveled for the next few weeks after graduation and got back to the states a few days before my 22nd Birthday. Since it was my birthday weekend, he planned a really nice dinner for us. At the end of the night he wanted to take a walk to our "spot." At school there was a little riverwalk where I was lavaliered, and we called it our spot. We used to go there a lot in college. So, after dinner we got to our spot and he proposed in the exact same place I was lavaliered! 

Right after he proposed! (you can tell I was crying) 

I loved how thoughtful the whole proposal was! He even quoted One Tree Hill, the episode that Lucas picks Peyton, "When all my dreams come true the one I want next to me is you." We took some pictures the day after so you could see where he proposed! 

It was definitely exciting to call our family and friends, everyone was so supportive and excited! I can't wait to really dig into the wedding planning. I know it will be so much fun! 

Hope everyone is having a great week! 


Welcome to Tay & Co!

Hi, I'm Taylor a recent college graduate who got engaged and moved to a new city! I majored in Marketing with a minor in Entrepreneurship. I am a proud Delta Gamma alum and spent most of my college days being involved in Greek Life. Greek Life & a science class led me to meet the man of my dreams! 

Tay & Co is a play on my last name to be and inspired by the fabulous Tiffany & Co. It will be a collection of wedding plans, fashion inspiration and lifestyle posts. I have always loved following blogs and decided this was the perfect creative outlet as I begin this new chapter in my life! 

Follow my journey of Miss. to Mrs. and all the events along the way! I hope you enjoy!