Tay and Co: home decor
Showing posts with label home decor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home decor. Show all posts

Bar Cart

Since we moved to our apartment in February we've been adding bits and pieces to pull it together. I knew I definitely wanted a bar cart but I couldn't find one that didn't break the bank. So thankfully my mom and dad found us the PERFECT bar cart at a tag sale. They said they had to literally grab it before anyone else did. Plus it was only $40 which is such a steal.

I loved finding things to decorate it too! I already had a lot of the glasses and trays, but pulling it all together is what made it fun. The yellow straws I found at Michael's on sale for really cheap, but Target usually always has them in the dollar spot. I always have a ton of old magazines #hoarder, so those were easy to throw on the bottom. Now I just need some alcohol and I'm all set!

As Halloween or Christmas get closer I may decorate the cart according to season! It would be so fun to have a themed bar cart especially if you have people over. Right not I just have the "Pumpkin Kisses & Harvest Wishes" sign on the side. Pinterest obviously adds to the addiction!

What is your favorite bar cart item?

Lilly for Target

Eek tomorrow is the Lilly for Target launch! I may or may not be planning to door storm Target at 8am.. I've already made a list of my must haves. Below are some of my top picks!

Lilly for Target

For the clothing I obviously love the classic shift dresses. The prints are so fun and exclusive to the Target collection! I'm also excited about how reasonable all the prices are, I mean that printed bag is only $15.00. Perfect for summer days at the beach or pool. The pink swim suit is so adorable, plus the bottoms are high waisted.

Lilly at Home

Some of my all time favorites include the home items! I mean I think every girl could use a Lilly pillow, am I right?! The stackable coffee cups would look so perfect next to a Keurig. I definitely think it would make any Monday morning a little brighter! Check out this post to read more tips about the launch. Some of the items are online only so plan accordingly!

What are your favorites? 
Get some sleep ladies... big SHOPPING day tomorrow! 

Home Sweet Apartment

So far we haven't done much decorating in the apartment so I ran errands all day yesterday finding items to brighten up our space!

A lot of the apartments in our complex have wreaths on their front doors. So I decided it would be fun to craft one for ours! I got all of the materials at JoAnn Fabrics, but you can get them at any craft store.

The base of the wreath is foam, and these circles come in different sizes and shapes. I picked one that was medium size. Burlap is the perfect covering, because it goes with any colored flowers and gives an outdoorsy feel. I also picked up wire cutters, greening pins, a door hook and bright fake flowers!

Step 1: Wrap the entire base with burlap using the greening pins to secure it to the foam.

Step 2: Use the wire cutters to cut the flowers and leaves you want to display on your wreath. Make sure to leave part of the stem on the flowers so you can stick them into the foam base. I just played around with the flowers and leaves until I had the design I wanted!

Step 3: Hang it up!

It is so easy to make a unique wreath for your front door, the possibilities are endless! Hope everyone has a great Sunday!

Apartment Living

February has been an exciting month so far because we finally found an apartment! We have been busy these past few weeks getting adjusted to the new space.

The part I was most excited about was decorating! I've been pinning for months to find perfect ideas for the new apartment. So far we have only decorated the bathroom. When I was at Target the weekend before we moved in I saw these bright yellow towels that I fell in love with! I decorated the bathroom around them. Obviously I love nautical and all things anchored, so the navy striped shower curtain completed the look.


Hopefully we can get the rest of the apartment together soon. In the living room I really want to do a gallery wall inspired by the pictures below.  I found a really cute "and sign" canvas at Marshall's that we can start to build around. I also want to get some really fun throw pillows for the couch!

Happy Weekend!