Tay and Co: graduation season
Showing posts with label graduation season. Show all posts
Showing posts with label graduation season. Show all posts

Graduation Season - Unique Graduation Invites

This past weekend I celebrated my little sister's college graduation! I cannot believe she is the last of our siblings to graduate, and now she is off to South Carolina to start her new job in June. I love this time of the year seeing all the high school and college graduates figuring out their next steps in life. I remember it being such an exciting time! 

What a better way to celebrate graduation than with a unique graduation invitation!  Basic Invite has so many choices for senior picture graduation invitations or announcements to share with friends and family. I know my little sister took so many beautiful pictures around campus with her cap and gown that would look perfect on these! The best part about them is they make a great keepsake to put in your memory box as well! 

You may be thinking, okay what makes Basic Invite different than any other invitation company? Well, they are one of the few websites that allows customers with almost unlimited color options! Once you choose a design, you can change each design element with their color options so it's personalized exactly how you want it! So perfect for high school grads, to get their exact school colors! Or you can match it to the theme of your graduation party. Trust me, when my little brother went to The University of Tennessee, I quickly learned that color orange was a very specific shade haha! 

Once you get the colors right on your actual invite you get over 40 different colors to choose from for the envelopes. I am definitely drawn to any mail that isn't in a white envelope! Um, hello this is a Legally Blonde moment with the pink resume am I right?! 

When I work with personalized items, it's hard for me to pull the trigger without seeing the item! I always wish that I could see it in person beforehand. Basic Invite allows you to order a printed sample of the invite so that you are able to see how it will look, and paper quality prior to placing an order!

Once you actually get the invites, you may be dreading addressing all of them. Basic Invite helps make your life easier with their address capturing service. This allows customers to share a link on their social media accounts to request family and friend's addresses. They are then stored in your account to be selected when designing! The addresses will be printed for no cost on card orders- so a total bonus in my book. Plus this makes it look super professional! 

If you're looking for some extra flair you can do folded graduation invitations  or foil cards! The foil is available in gold, silver or rose gold. Plus you can even choose if you want flat or raised foil on all of their designs. 

So if you're looking for graduation invites or any other kind of stationary Basic Invite is offering 15% off with the code: 15FF51 

Congratulations to all those graduates out there! Including my baby sis, so proud of you! 

I hope you guys have a great Monday! Be sure to check out Basic Invite on their Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter accounts as well! 

Thank you Basic Invite for sponsoring today's post! All opinions are my own.