Tay and Co: creating she
Showing posts with label creating she. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creating she. Show all posts

Creating She


Hi y’all! I’m Caroline from Creating She and I’m taking over Tay & Co for the day! We’ve teamed up to bring you a summer collab so get excited because we’ve got a ton of awesome things in store!

I guess the best place to begin would be an introduction so that you get to know us a little better! I am a blogging, iced coffee drinking, Jack Rogers wearing Pre-Law Junior. Try saying that ten times fast. I spend my days interning in a court house, my nights sharing my life with you, and my weekends exploring my sleepy college town. I dream of surviving law school, getting an Irish Setter, and moving to the city. I’ve got big dreams with lots of room to improvise! I’ve learned that life can take you by surprise and typically it’s a lot better than you could have ever dreamed.

I’ve had my blog for 2 years but it wasn’t until recently that I committed myself to pursuing this passion for blogging. For years I have had loved sharing my outfits, my wisdom, and my life with all of my followers! College is such a fun journey and it’s my dream to take this adventure with you.
Life can be hard trying to balance college, a career, and all of these big dreams. We’re just a bunch of She’s trying to work hard and get things done. Why not do it together?

I would love for you to join the Creating She fam and keep in the loop of everything we’ve got going on! We are so excited for this collaboration and I know that you’re going to love what we’ve got planned. Taylor is such an amazing girl and if you haven’t already, you must explore and look at her beautiful life. #Goals

Keep updated daily by following us on Instagram: @Tay.andCoCreatingshe. If you have any collab posts you want to see this summer, make sure to let us know! I know I am simply beside myself I’m so excited and I hope you are too.

See ya soon!
